Sizing A System
Adding Solar Pool Heating To Your Swimming Pool
Most pool owners quickly discover that to maximize their enjoyment they would like to extend their swimming season by heating their pools. SOLAR IS IDEAL! It is by far the most economical way to go.
FIRST, sizing your system will depend on the surface area to determine collector size. A simple estimate of length x width is close enough; for unusual shapes you might only use 80% of that number.
SECOND, collector size is estimated based on the number from above and your region.
For the Sunbelt collector size is 2/3 of the pool square footage calculated. Other regions are shown below with some typical sizes.
For example a 350 sq ft area pool x south region factor of .65 equals collector area of about 228 sq ft |
pool size regions |
factor by | surface = 295 sq ft |
surface = 295 sq ft |
surface = 295 sq ft |
surface = 295 sq ft |
Sunbelt | 0.65 | 192 sq ft | 240 sq ft | 384 sq ft | 400 sq ft | |
South | 0.80 | 236 sq ft | 296 sq ft | 472 sq ft | 492 sq ft | |
North | 1.00 | 295 sq ft | 370 sq ft | 590 sq ft | 615 sq ft | |
Far North | 1.15 | 340 sq ft | 425 sq ft | 678 sq ft | 707 sq ft |
THIRD, Add 10% to the collector size for each true statement.
- My pool is screened in, covered in some way, or shaded throughout the day
- My pool is located in and exceptionally breezy spot, like exposed on a hillside
- My pool is not covered at night or when not being used during the day
And LAST, the collector will require a large roof area on a south facing slope. A patio cover surface or simply ground mounting in an unshaded area may be an alternative.